
World Tourism Museum

Journey in the Heavenly City: Exhibition in Memory of Marco Polo

Malai, Philippines - Children on the Shore

Shared by: Wu Yangjie

In the shallows of a small island in Malai, Philippines, a group of six or seven-year-old local children were diving and helping carry luggage to earn tips at the side of the tourists' boat. Because the ground operator warned not to touch the local kids before the trip, so they were allowed to fly up and down the side of the boat, and the boat party just laughed it off and went straight to shore. I was the only one who gathered them on the beach to take a group photo. Surprisingly, they didn't ask me for a tip, but were more interested in the photo and looked around me for a while before dispersing.

When we finished our meal and were ready to leave on the boat, these kids found me and looked at the photo again, probably their first group photo. They also took the initiative to carry my bag of belongings on their shoulders, dribbled through the shallows and placed it on the boat. Although the water was waist deep and the waves were constant, my bag was not dripping with water.

I was looking at this photo from the boat and suddenly had a feeling. These children are slightly restrained in front of the camera, their eyes are simple and straightforward, but there are some complex emotions between their brows that do not match their age, and I look a little out of place. The same young children, some feet on the side of the boat to endure the salty taste of the sea in order to a bottle of ice pop, some people with books in the interest classes still find life boring. There are many things that cannot be chosen, and I hope that both will have a bright future.

Looking back, they had climbed onto the bow of another ship.

Turn your head forward, keep going, and keep loving.


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